20 Dollar Tax

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Frequently Asked Questions

Thanks you for contacting 20 dollar tax. Yes the tax preparation service is available. Our services are available throughout the year

If you have only earned employment income or if you have received any benefits from the government like EI, Old age pension or social assistance etc, the personal tax filing is only $20.

Our company is federally incorporated and have a physical location in Mississauga Ontario. We are also registered with Service Ontario to provide business registration name search. We also have a Canadian CPA on our board who advise us on our operations.

We do not think that we are charging a low price but we think others charge a higher price for the value they add to basic tax returns. As the tax situation gets more complicated the tax filing fee also gradually increases due to the complexity of the taxes. As compliance tax filing is just a single branch in the vast web of taxation, we specialize in the personal taxes for individuals and make sure we are updated with all the CRA requirements and regulations. For a full pricing list please visit our Pricing Page

As a company we are very new however as tax professionals, we have multiple years of tax filing experience. Our staff is knowledgeable and have completed number of tax courses.

We are making every possible effort to make our process as simple and comprehensive as possible. Our goal is for you to file your taxes without ever stepping into our office. We will send you a small questionnaire with information required to complete your tax return. Once you return is complete we will request you to make a payment and we will send you your tax summary for review. If you approve the return, we go ahead and file your return with CRA and send you a copy of your return and a proof of submission. Take a look at a short video

As long as you have only earned employment income, the charges to file a personal income tax return is only $20 per tax return. This is our base charges that almost all our client pay

If you have received benefits and employment income during the year, the charges are still only $20 per tax returns.

There is a difference between a contracted employee and a contractor. Contractors are mostly self-employed individuals. You can either do contracting under you own name as a sole proprietor or a partner or you can register a corporation. A contractor can claim a number of expenses depending on the nature of the work. These claims are more flexible for a contractor than an employed individual. solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.

A individual working from home is limited to the deductions specified by the employer in the form T2200. If you are in this situation, ensure that you have a completed and signed form by your employer. Also clarify with your employer before you start making any changes to your home or home office.

Please refer to our pricing page, we have all the pricing listed, however if you still have more questions, or if you do not fall within the listed groups, please give us a call at 647 478 9333

Once our team has gathered all your information and documents, you will be provided with a time frame for the completion of your taxes, if you wish you can always call us, message us if there is any changes required.

Basic income tax charges are $20 and if you have earned rental income the charges are $40 for each rental property. The clients who earn rental income, their total tax filing charges will be $60 plus $40 for each additional rental property.

Uber income or income earned from any other ride share program is considered a business income. If you have earned income from a ridge sharing business the charges will be $20 for basic tax return and $45 for each ride share income you earn.

CRA is constantly working very hard to safeguard your personal information but at the same time CRA understands that filing a complete and accurate tax return can be cumbersome for majority of the taxpayers, and that most of the taxpayers would need assistance from a knowledgeable tax professional therefore to ensure that all the tax preparers are acting on behalf of the taxpayers and with taxpayers consent, CRA has created various authorization forms.

We aim to provide a fast and a reliable services. From start to finish (provided all the information is sent on time), our processes may take up to 3 days. We believe that it is a very quick turn around, given the fact that you do not require any appointment to start the process, and you can start it whenever you want and from wherever you want. Imagine you want to start the process on Monday morning before starting work, if will take you a maximum of 30 mins to send us all the information and by Wednesday evening, your tax will be filed without you every having to change or rearrange your plans. Its easier and cheaper than getting a hair cut.

We can be contacted in may ways to make it easy for all our client. We can be reached via, phone, whatsapp, facebook messenger, email, or even in person( observing restrictions) 

As individuals we are all capable of completing our own taxes, however there are many reason a professional is viable and that is due to the knowledge they have acquired over time and are much more well versed with the CRA requirements, possible deductions available as the rules and policies are continuously changing. 

Yes, your spouse or child can transfer his unused tuition credit to you if you fulfill the conditions. However, there is a limit on the credit transfer.

These are two separate structures and very difficult to give a straight answer, however, to keep things simple, if you are expecting to generate a higher income, then incorporating the business is a better option until then its more advisable to work as a sole proprietor. We would be more than happy to discuss any question and concerns you would have regarding corporations.

Tax rules are designed to fairly treat all the taxpayers. A simple choice of leasing vs financing does not create a material or substantial tax advantage over the other. The decision should be based on business needs and personal abilities to take on the responsibility. Tax rule distinguish between the type of vehicle and not how it is acquired.

CRA require individuals who are earning business income to prepare a business income statement. These business income statements require additional time and effort. Tax filing for small business starts from $150. Contact us to get more information

We take information security very seriously. We have taken internal precautions to protect your information. We work with all the top level service provider to ensure to the best of our abilities that your information is secured. However, the information age we live in, no company is every fully secure and therefore we can not provide any information security guarantees . We guarantee that we will never sell your information to any third party.

We work with the information our clients provide us and apply rules and regulations of the Income tax act and best practices recommended by CRA. We understand if you are opinion shopping for the highest return. All our charges are for the time spent on working on your file. If you want to shop for better options, we would ask you to pay for our services and take the client copy of your tax return to other tax preparers. If you would still want us to file, simply sign the authorization form and we would be happy to file your return for no extra charges.

Tax calculation is based on rules available in the income tax act and best practices recommended by CRA. Unfortunately some tax prepares bend the rules or artificially create an environment for certain tax credit to apply (which they should not) this results in a favourable tax outcome. Tax payers must keep in mind that it is the taxpayer who is ultimately responsible for what is filed on their behalf. If CRA finds a mistreatment or abuse of a tax law they will not only disallow the artificially created transaction but will also charge interest and may charge penalty. We are a professional tax firm where our objective is to provide the most honest and reliable tax services. After all we all benefit from the tax that our government collects.

We do not require any more documents than what you would have to provide to any walk in tax preparation office or you would need to prepare your own file. Documents required depends on your source of income during the year and your personal tax situation. Below is a list to help guide you in gathering your information. You can always contact us if you have any questions.

T4Tax payers who earned employment
T4ATax payers who earned pension, retirement or other income
T4ETax payers who earned employment insurance and other benefits
T5007Tax payers who are receiving benefits such as social assistance
T4A(P) & T4A(OAS)Tax payers receiving CPP and retirement pension
T4RIF Tax payers receiving income from a registered retirement fund
T5Tax payers receiving investment income 
T5008Tax payers who have transacted in securities
T2202Tax payers who attended educational institute. 


For individuals, the last day for filing their tax return with CRA is April 30. However, if the individual has a business income then the individual and their spouse’s due date for filing the tax return is June 15. Keep in mind that the due date to pay any tax owing to CRA is April 30 in both cases. For example, let assume that between you and your spouse, there is a tax liability of $1,000 that needs to be paid to CRA. If you and your spouse are both employed, your tax returns must be filed along with the payment made to CRA by April 30th. Now lets assume that either one of you also have a business as a sole proprietor then you and your spouse’s due date for filing the tax return is June 15, however the tax liability of $1,000 must be paid by April 30th.

Almost all of the government benefits are based on our household income. Assessment of the tax returns are the only way for the government departments to establish our household income and calculate our benefits. Therefore, Government benefits are one of the top reasons for a lot of individuals to file their taxes. If the tax filing is delayed, the government benefits will discontinue because they will not be able to calculate the amount of our benefits. Child tax benefits are calculated in mid summer for the entire period, therefore to ensure undisrupted flow of benefits, you must ensure that both the spouses have filed there taxes by the due date. However if the taxes are not filed by the due date, make sure that you file them as soon as you realize that that filing has been missed. Usually after filing the returns within two months your benefits will start, and then you will receive the retroactive payments.

You don’t have to file your taxes with your spouse but it is highly recommended that both the spouse file their taxes together. The reason is that most of the benefits and tax credits that the government provide are based on household income. If you file your taxes separately, CRA may not assess your household income correctly and you may receive benefits that you would not have received if your household income was assessed correctly. Eventually CRA will assess your household income correctly and when they do, they will require you to payback any additional benefits right away. This often becomes a difficult and an unnecessary financial burden and trouble that could have been avoided simply by filing the tax returns together and filing them accurately. If for any reason you are not able to file the returns together, you should provide all the income details of your spouse to the tax professional so that it can be included on your income tax return.

Every individual must file their own tax return. Spouses are recommended to file their return together at the same time, but that does not mean that they are filing a single return,  there will be two returns being sent to CRA , but they are just filed together. There is no legal or other requirement for spouses to file their taxes together. If you do not want to file your taxes with your spouse, just ensure that your are putting your spousal information including their income information on your return. This helps CRA access your household income and help in determination of any joint credits and benefits.

As we service majority of our clients virtually, our payment process is made via etranfer or credit card. 

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